Every coach needs to be set up on FAI Connect by one of the registrars.
What you need:
- Name
- Address including postcode
- Profile picture of themself(selfie)
- An ID (passport or drivers licence)
- Email address.
Once you are set up, the registrar will send you back a Registration to sign and date. This is to be returned to the registrar to be uploaded to your account.
Point of contact: Elaine Uí Dhonnabháin
Mobile : 086 8633605
Email: cuafcgirls@gmail.com
Schoolgirls/ladies sectionPoint of contact: Jennifer Duggan
Mobile: 087 9020058
Email: jenchildwelfarecuafc@gmail.com
Lady representative officer:
Point of contact: Clare Chawke
Schoolboys/male sectionPoint of contact:Rob Stuart
Mobile: 087 1210805
Email: robcuafcchildwelfare@gmail.com